Find the altitude of a rhombus whose area is 48msq. And perimeter is 64cm

plz gve me ful rltn nd ans is216cmsq. Nd 15cm

To find the altitude of a rhombus, we'll need the formula that relates the area of a rhombus, the length of one side, and the altitude.

First, let's use the given information and formulas to solve the problem step-by-step:

1. Area of the rhombus: The area of a rhombus is given by the formula: Area = (diagonal1 * diagonal2) / 2.
However, in this case, we are not given the diagonals, but the area itself. We'll use the area to find one of the diagonals and then calculate the altitude.

Given area = 48 m²
Let's assume the diagonal1 is 'd1' and diagonal2 is 'd2'.

Using the formula for area:
48 = (d1 * d2) / 2
96 = d1 * d2

2. Perimeter of the rhombus: The perimeter of a rhombus is the sum of all four sides.
Given perimeter = 64 cm
Since all four sides of a rhombus are equal, we'll divide the perimeter by 4 to find the length of one side.

Length of one side = Perimeter / 4 = 64 / 4 = 16 cm

3. Calculating the altitude: We'll use the length of one side and the area to find the altitude.

Area of a rhombus = (base * altitude) / 2
48 = (16 * altitude) / 2
48 = 8 * altitude
altitude = 48 / 8 = 6 cm

Therefore, the altitude of the rhombus is 6 cm.

Note: The given answer of 216 cm² and 15 cm seems to be incorrect based on the information provided. Please double-check the question or provide any additional details if necessary.