Discuss risks (three or more) associated with consuming too much protein.

Consuming too much protein can have several potential risks and negative effects on your health. Here are three key risks associated with excessive protein intake:

1. Kidney damage: When your body digests protein, it produces waste products, including urea and ammonia, which must be eliminated by the kidneys. Higher protein intake means the kidneys have to work harder to get rid of these waste products. Consistently overloading the kidneys can potentially lead to kidney damage or even kidney stones.

2. Bone health issues: Overconsumption of protein, especially from animal sources, can result in increased calcium excretion through urine. To neutralize the acidic byproducts of protein metabolism, the body may pull calcium from the bones, leading to a decrease in bone mineral density and an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

3. Digestive issues: A protein-rich diet often means limited intake of fiber and carbohydrates, which can result in constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. Moreover, excessive protein intake can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria and disrupt the intestinal microbiome, leading to digestive discomforts.

It's worth noting that the risks associated with protein consumption are dependent on individual factors such as overall health, pre-existing medical conditions, and the source and quality of protein. It is always important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine your specific protein needs and avoid any potential risks.