a square storage bin measures 15 feet on a side filled with corn

What is the question?

if 1 bushels fits in 1.25 cubic feet how many bushels does it contain

> a square storage bin measures 15 feet on a side filled with corn

15ft length * 15ft width * 15ft height = 3375 cubic ft

1 bushel = 1.25 cubic ft
3375 cubic ft / 1.25 cubic ft = number of bushels

2700 bushels

thanks dip

To find the total amount of corn that can fit in a square storage bin measuring 15 feet on each side, we need to calculate the volume of the bin.

The volume of a cube (or square bin in this case) is found by multiplying the length of one side by itself twice (L x L x L). In this case, the length of one side is 15 feet.

Volume = 15 feet x 15 feet x 15 feet = 3375 cubic feet

So, the square storage bin can hold 3375 cubic feet of corn.