can you pl answer the following : 1.Please send all applications by post change into passive voice 2."Dont you want to start before it gets too dark ? into reported speech 3.i was scolded for little mistakes when i was a boy I hated it. answer:I hated .... .... ... pl tell me how to complete the above sentence

1.Please send all applications by post change into passive voice

All applications must be ...
(How will you finish this sentence?)

2."Dont you want to start before it gets too dark ? into reported speech
He asked me if I ...
(How will you finish this sentence?)

3. I was scolded for little mistakes when i was a boy I hated it. answer:
I hated being scolded ...
(How will you finish this sentence?)

To change the given sentence into the passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the original sentence:
Subject: You
Verb: send
Object: all applications

2. Move the object to the beginning of the sentence and make it the subject:
All applications

3. Add the verb "to be" in the appropriate form (based on the tense) and place it after the new subject:
All applications are

4. Convert the main verb (send) into its past participle form:
All applications are sent

5. Add the preposition "by" followed by the subject of the active voice sentence (you) at the end of the passive sentence:
All applications are sent by you.

Therefore, the passive voice form of the sentence "Please send all applications by post" is "All applications are sent by you."

To convert the given sentence into reported speech (indirect speech), you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the reporting verb (said, asked, etc.) and the reporting clause (Don't you want to start before it gets too dark?)

2. Retain the meaning of the reporting verb (asked in this case) and the tense (present tense).

3. Change the pronoun "you" to reflect the change from reported speech to indirect speech (if necessary in the context).

4. Change the tense of the verb(s) in the reported clause (It gets too dark).

5. Use a reporting verb appropriate for the tense and context. In this case, we can use "asked" or "wondered."

Therefore, the reported speech form of "Don't you want to start before it gets too dark?" can be "He/she asked/wondered if you wanted to start before it got too dark."

To complete the given sentence "I hated it," you can provide specific details to explain what was hated. For example:

"I hated being scolded for little mistakes when I was a boy."