We brought healthy snacks. What is the complement in the sentence? brought?

Oh and these please?

the snake looks hungry- hungry
the lizard seemed stunned- stunned
its skin is scaly- scaly
scales cover a snkaes body- not scales or cover, is it snakes?
Josh will feed lizzy- not will or feed, is it Josh?
we will photograph mary- photograh
it feels sticky- sticky
we brought healthy snacks- not healthy
some species also shed their skin- not shed, is it species?

Please help me, I am so confused. Thank You SO Much, all help is appreciated.


Read and study this section on complements very thoroughly.

We (subject)
brought (verb)
healthy (adjective)
snacks. (direct object)
What do YOU THINK the complement is?

In your list, the first, second, and third ones are right ... go through the others and double-check them. Then repost if you need us to check your choices.

In the sentence "We brought healthy snacks," the word "healthy snacks" is the complement.

To determine the complement in a sentence, you need to identify the verb and then consider what follows it to complete the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the verb is "brought," and "healthy snacks" completes the action of bringing. Therefore, "healthy snacks" is the complement in this sentence.