owen is 147.3 cm tall. what is owen's height as a mixed number. what is owen's height as an improper fraction.

1 47/3


To convert Owen's height from centimeters to a mixed number and an improper fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the whole number part.
In this case, the whole number part represents the complete number of centimeters in Owen's height. Since Owen's height is already given as 147.3 cm, the whole number part is 147 cm.

Step 2: Determine the fractional part.
The fractional part represents the remaining centimeters after subtracting the whole number part. To find the fractional part, subtract the whole number part from the original height: 147.3 cm - 147 cm = 0.3 cm.

Step 3: Convert the fractional part to a fraction.
Since the fractional part is 0.3 cm, you can express this as a fraction by writing it as the numerator over the denominator. The denominator is based on the decimal place of the fractional part. In this case, the fractional part is tenths, so the denominator will be 10. Therefore, the fraction is 3/10.

Step 4: Write the mixed number.
To write the mixed number, combine the whole number part and the fractional part. In this case, the whole number part is 147, and the fractional part is 3/10. Therefore, Owen's height as a mixed number is 147 and 3/10.

Step 5: Write the improper fraction.
To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number part by the denominator of the fraction, then add the numerator. The result is the new numerator for the improper fraction. The denominator remains the same. Let's calculate it:

147 * 10 = 1470 + 3 = 1473
So, Owen's height as an improper fraction is 1473/10.