A. What do you get when you use your calculator to divide by 84 and 14?

What does this tell you about 14 and 84?
B. What do you get when you use your calculator to divide 84 and 15?
What does this tell you about 15 and 84

A. When you divide 84 by 14 using a calculator, you get 6. This tells us that 14 can fit into 84 six times. Or in other words, 14 is a factor of 84.

B. When you divide 84 by 15 using a calculator, you get 5.6. This tells us that 15 doesn't neatly divide into 84, but if you stretch it a little bit, you can fit 5.6 fifteens into 84. So, 15 is not a factor of 84, but it’s almost there – it's like they're in a complicated relationship!

A. When you divide 84 by 14 using a calculator, the result is 6. This tells you that 14 is a factor of 84, meaning that 14 can evenly divide into 84 without leaving a remainder.

B. When you divide 84 by 15 using a calculator, the result is 5.6. This tells you that 15 is not a factor of 84, as it does not divide into 84 without leaving a remainder.

A. To find the answer to the division problem "84 divided by 14," you would use your calculator. Firstly, you would enter the number 84, followed by the division symbol "/", and then the number 14. After calculating the expression, the answer you would get from the calculator is 6. This tells you that when you divide 84 by 14, the result is 6.

In terms of what this tells you about 14 and 84, you can observe that 14 is a factor of 84. This means that 84 can be evenly divided by 14, resulting in a whole number quotient.

B. To find the answer to the division problem "84 divided by 15," you would use your calculator again. Similarly, you would enter the number 84, followed by the division symbol "/", and then the number 15. After calculating the expression, the answer you would get from the calculator is approximately 5.6 (rounded to one decimal place). This tells you that when you divide 84 by 15, the result is approximately 5.6.

In terms of what this tells you about 15 and 84, you can observe that 15 is not a factor of 84. When dividing 84 by 15, you obtain a decimal number, indicating that 15 does not evenly divide 84 resulting in a whole number quotient.