why does everybody not like a teacher's pet?

Not true. In middle school, my daughter was in such favor with the teacher that she considered herself a teacher's pet.

In fact, she was such a pet that she had her own pets: kids that knew she was in good with the teacher, they wanted to be near her for lucky fallout, as it were.

On the other hand, most kids do resent teacher's pets because of jealousy, frustration or spite.

They wish they knew what to do to get on the teacher's good side.

They think that their treatment is unfair because the pet gets special consideration.

They are too lazy to do their work, so of course the teacher disses them, at least in their opinion, since they are getting criticized while the pet receives praise.

There's sort of a culture of "class envy" as it were. where it's thought that to succeed in school makes you some kind of a sellout to The Man.

Some kids want to be the center of attention, and if the pet gets it, they feel they're being somehow slighted.

Not all of these reasons are valid, but the bad feelings engendered are still real where they occur.

As for me, I was neither a pet nor a troublemaker (ahem - usually), but just did my assignments, hung out with my friends, and left the rest of it alone.

Good answer. Thorough.


The perception of a teacher's pet varies from person to person. While some people may not like a teacher's pet, others may appreciate their dedication and enthusiasm for learning. The reasons behind why some people may not like a teacher's pet can be subjective and influenced by various factors such as jealousy, competition, and perception of favoritism. It is important to remember that this is not a universal sentiment, and people's reasons for disliking a teacher's pet may differ.

To gain a better understanding of why some people may have negative feelings towards a teacher's pet, it can be helpful to consider the following aspects:

1. Perception of favoritism: Some individuals might perceive the teacher's pet as receiving special treatment or preferential treatment from the teacher. This perception can create a feeling of unfairness or resentment among other students who believe they are not receiving equal attention or recognition.

2. Jealousy and competition: The success or achievements of a teacher's pet can evoke feelings of envy or insecurity in other students who may be competing for similar recognition or struggling academically. In such situations, the teacher's pet may become a target of resentment or frustration.

3. Social dynamics and popularity: In some social dynamics, being labeled or perceived as a teacher's pet might affect one's popularity among peers. Some students may tend to resent or distance themselves from someone they perceive as seeking the teacher's approval constantly, as they might view it as being inauthentic or trying too hard to please authority figures.

4. Breaking expectations or disrupting norms: People often have certain expectations or preconceived notions about a student's behavior or role within the classroom. When a student consistently excels academically and actively engages in classroom activities, it can challenge these expectations or disrupt social norms, leading to mixed reactions from peers.

To understand the specific reasons behind why someone may not like a teacher's pet in a particular context, it is essential to consider individual perspectives, experiences, and dynamics within the classroom. Engaging in open and respectful communication with others can help to gain insight into different viewpoints and foster a deeper understanding of the situation.