At Thanksgiving dinner, Deborah ate a portion of turkey (673 calories;masch potatoes (408 calories);stuffing (519 calories); cranberry sauce (219 calories);beans (278 calories); and pumpkin pie (523 calories); approximately how many calories did she intake?

You could round each number to the nearest hundred and then add.

To calculate the approximate number of calories Deborah consumed at Thanksgiving dinner, you need to sum up the calorie values of each food item she ate.

Let's add up the calories from each food item:
Turkey: 673 calories
Mashed potatoes: 408 calories
Stuffing: 519 calories
Cranberry sauce: 219 calories
Beans: 278 calories
Pumpkin pie: 523 calories

To find the total calorie intake, you can simply add up these values:
673 + 408 + 519 + 219 + 278 + 523 = 2,620 calories

Therefore, Deborah consumed approximately 2,620 calories at Thanksgiving dinner.