The reaction of 9.5 grams of fluorine with

excess chlorine produced 5.9 grams of ClF3.
What percent yield of ClF3 was obtained?
Answer in units of %

i keep getting the wrong answer

Show your work and I'll find the error.

To calculate the percent yield, we need to compare the actual yield (5.9 grams of ClF3) to the theoretical yield.

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of ClF3:
- The molar mass of Cl is 35.45 grams/mol.
- The molar mass of F is 18.99 grams/mol.
- Since ClF3 has one Cl atom and three F atoms, the molar mass of ClF3 is:
(1 * 35.45 grams/mol) + (3 * 18.99 grams/mol) = 96.42 grams/mol.

Step 2: Convert the mass of fluorine (9.5 grams) to moles:
- To do this, divide the given mass by the molar mass of F:
9.5 grams ÷ 18.99 grams/mol = 0.50 moles of F.

Step 3: Apply stoichiometry to determine the theoretical yield:
- The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between fluorine (F2) and chlorine (Cl2) to form ClF3 is:
F2 + 3Cl2 -> 2ClF3.
- From the equation, we can see that 1 mole of F2 reacts with 3 moles of Cl2 to produce 2 moles of ClF3.
- Therefore, the moles of ClF3 produced can be calculated as follows:
(0.50 moles of F) * (2 moles of ClF3 / 1 mole of F2) = 1.00 mole of ClF3.

Step 4: Calculate the theoretical yield in grams:
- To convert moles of ClF3 to grams, multiply the moles by the molar mass of ClF3:
1.00 mole of ClF3 * 96.42 grams/mol = 96.42 grams of ClF3.

Step 5: Calculate the percent yield:
- Divide the actual yield (5.9 grams) by the theoretical yield (96.42 grams) and multiply by 100 to get the percent yield:
(5.9 grams / 96.42 grams) * 100 = 6.11%.

Therefore, the percent yield of ClF3 obtained is approximately 6.11%.