how to find ethyl benzoate from methyl benzene

To find ethyl benzoate from methyl benzene, you need to perform an esterification reaction using ethyl alcohol and benzoic acid. Here's a step-by-step explanation on how to carry out the reaction:

1. Prepare the necessary materials: You will need methyl benzene (also known as toluene), ethyl alcohol (also known as ethanol), and benzoic acid. Ensure that the materials are pure and of sufficient quantity.

2. Set up a reaction vessel: Choose a suitable reaction vessel that can withstand heat and hold all the reactants. A round-bottom flask is commonly used. Ensure that the vessel is clean and dry.

3. Add the reactants: Measure the desired amounts of methyl benzene and benzoic acid using a graduated cylinder or a balance. Add these two compounds to the reaction vessel. The molar ratio should ideally be 1:1 in order to maximize the yield of ethyl benzoate.

4. Measure and add the catalyst: Typically, a strong acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid is used to promote the reaction. Measure the required amount of the catalyst and cautiously add it to the reaction mixture, while stirring with a glass rod or a magnetic stirrer.

5. Attach a reflux condenser: Connect a reflux condenser (a glass apparatus used in organic chemistry to condense volatile vapors and prevent evaporation) to the reaction vessel. Ensure that it is properly sealed to prevent any loss of volatile compounds.

6. Heat the reaction mixture: Place the reaction vessel on a heating source, such as a hot plate or a heating mantle. Heat the mixture gently and gradually, allowing the reaction to proceed. The reaction is typically carried out around 60-70 degrees Celsius.

7. Monitor the reaction progress: While heating, observe the reaction mixture for any changes. You may notice the formation of an oily layer, indicating the formation of ethyl benzoate. The reaction time can vary and typically takes a few hours to complete.

8. Cool and collect the product: Once the reaction has finished, remove the heat source and allow the reaction mixture to cool down. The ethyl benzoate will separate as a layer on top of the remaining mixture. Carefully collect this layer using a separatory funnel, or by simply decanting the liquid.

9. Purify the product: The collected product may still contain impurities. To purify the ethyl benzoate, you can perform a process called washing. Wash the collected product with water to remove any remaining acid and other impurities. Then, dry the ethyl benzoate using anhydrous sodium sulfate or another suitable drying agent.

10. Characterize and analyze the product: Finally, you can characterize the obtained ethyl benzoate using various analytical techniques such as infrared spectroscopy (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and mass spectrometry (MS) to confirm its identity and purity.

Please note that working with chemicals and carrying out reactions should be done in a well-equipped laboratory with proper safety precautions in place. It's advised to consult a trained chemist or follow established protocols when conducting such experiments.