explain problem: 3.1 - 2.076=

3.100 - 2.076 = 1.024

To solve the expression 3.1 - 2.076, you simply subtract 2.076 from 3.1.

Step 1: Subtract the decimal values in the tenths place: 1 - 0 = 1.
Step 2: Subtract the decimal values in the hundredths place: 0 - 7 = -7.
Step 3: We need to borrow from the tens place since we cannot subtract 7 from 0. By borrowing 1 from the 3 in the tens place, it becomes 2, and we add the borrowed 10 to the 0 in the hundredths place, making it 10.
Step 4: Subtract the adjusted decimal values in the hundredths place: 10 - 7 = 3.
Step 5: Subtract the remaining decimal values in the whole numbers place: 2 - 0 = 2.

Therefore, 3.1 - 2.076 equals 0.924.

Sure! The problem you mentioned involves subtracting two numbers: 3.1 and 2.076. To solve it, you'll need to subtract the second number (2.076) from the first number (3.1). Here are the steps to solve it:

Step 1: Start by aligning the decimal points of the two numbers, making sure the digits are in the correct place value.

- 2.076

Step 2: Subtract the numbers in each place value column, starting from the rightmost column (the ones place in this case).

- 2.076

Step 3: After subtracting each place value column, the result is 0.024. So the answer to the problem 3.1 - 2.076 is 0.024.