how to find the subjects of the clauses in sentences

Find the verb first. Then ask, "Who or what is doing this action?" The subject is the word that answers this question.

what is the subject in these paragraphs. In the middle of Germany is the Harz mountain range.The tallest mountain in the range is called the Brocken.The trees that cover the sides of the Brocken are thick and tall,and many lean against each other.


To find the subjects of clauses in sentences, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the clauses: A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Start by identifying the clauses in the sentence.

2. Locate the verb: Look for the main verb within each clause. The main verb is usually the action word or the word that expresses what is happening in the sentence.

3. Ask "who" or "what" is performing the action: Once you have identified the main verb, ask yourself "who" or "what" is performing the action described by the verb. The answer to this question is likely to be the subject of the clause.

4. Confirm the subject: Check if the word you identified as the subject fits the grammatical requirements of a subject. In English, the subject is usually a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that agrees with the verb in terms of number (singular or plural).

5. Repeat for other clauses: If the sentence contains multiple clauses, repeat steps 2-4 for each clause to find the subjects.

Remember that sometimes the subject may not be explicitly stated and can be implied or understood based on the context of the sentence.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the subjects of the clauses in a sentence.
