You are on a hike in the mountains. You have 4.92 km left to go before your next campsite.

The sun will set in 6.6 h.
What avergae speed must you walk to camp at sunset?
Answer in units of km/h

v=s/t= 4.92/6.6= ...

To find the average speed you need to walk to camp at sunset, you need to divide the distance left to cover by the time remaining until sunset.

First, convert the distance from kilometers to meters to make the units consistent. There are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer, so 4.92 km is equal to 4920 meters.

Next, convert the time remaining until sunset from hours to seconds to make the units consistent. There are 3600 seconds in 1 hour, so 6.6 hours is equal to 6.6 * 3600 = 23760 seconds.

Now, divide the distance left to cover (4920 meters) by the time remaining until sunset (23760 seconds) to get the average speed:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

Average Speed = 4920 meters / 23760 seconds

Average Speed ≈ 0.2067 meters/second

To convert this to km/h, multiply the average speed by (3600 / 1000), since there are 3600 seconds in an hour and 1000 meters in a kilometer:

Average Speed ≈ 0.2067 meters/second * (3600 / 1000)

Average Speed ≈ 0.7441 km/h

Therefore, you must walk at an average speed of approximately 0.7441 km/h to reach your campsite at sunset.