The statement below represents which genre from the early american and colonial period.

I want to explain origins of the natural world and its processes.
the poetry of anne bradstreet
the oral tradition of native americans
the journals of william bradford
the essay of thomas paine

not sure but believe it could be paine or bradford can someone help

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yes yes its correct

I vote for the oral tradition of native Americans.

Yes its correct 3 questions the answers are BC B B Bradford Equiano To persuade and the oral traditions of native Americans

Correct yesss your so correct

1.) B

2.) C
3.) B

100% Correct

To determine which genre from the early American and colonial period the statement represents, let's examine the options:

1. The poetry of Anne Bradstreet: Anne Bradstreet was a prominent poet during the colonial period. Her works mainly focused on personal and contemplative themes rather than explaining the origins of the natural world and its processes. Therefore, her poetry is unlikely to be the genre that represents the statement.

2. The oral tradition of Native Americans: While Native American oral traditions often contained myths, legends, and explanations about the natural world, they were not typically written down in the form of a specific genre. Therefore, this option is less likely to represent the statement.

3. The journals of William Bradford: William Bradford was a governor and historian of the Plymouth Colony. His journals, also known as "Of Plymouth Plantation," documented the experiences and hardships of the Pilgrims, but did not specifically focus on explaining the origins of the natural world and its processes. Therefore, this option is also unlikely to represent the statement.

4. The essay of Thomas Paine: Thomas Paine was a political activist and writer during the early American period. While his essay, "Common Sense," played a significant role in shaping public opinion towards independence from Britain, it did not primarily focus on explaining the natural world and its processes. Therefore, this option is also unlikely to represent the statement.

Considering the information above, none of the options seems to be the correct genre that represents the statement "I want to explain origins of the natural world and its processes" from the early American and colonial period. It is possible that the correct answer may not be among the options provided.