When you drop a bowling ball & a tennis ball they hit the floor at the same time but when they hit the floor they have the same what? A. speed B. force C. momentum D. all of the above. I think it is D but I can't find anywhere what they have the same. Thanks

only the speed is the same

since momentum is speed times mass, the bowling ball will clearly have greater momentum.

Since force (weight) is mass times gravity's acceleration, the bowling ball clearly weighs more, so has greater force.

You are correct, the answer is D, all of the above. When a bowling ball and a tennis ball are dropped and hit the floor at the same time, they will have the same speed, force, and momentum.

To understand why this is the case, we need to take into account the basic principles of gravity and the laws of physics. When an object is dropped, it falls under the influence of gravity, which accelerates it towards the Earth.

In the absence of any other forces, all objects will fall with the same acceleration due to gravity, regardless of their mass. This means that both the bowling ball and the tennis ball will experience the same gravitational force and will accelerate at the same rate towards the ground.

As a result, both balls will reach the floor at the same time, and they will both have the same speed just before impact. The force exerted by the floor on the balls to bring them to a stop will also be the same.

Furthermore, momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. Since both balls have the same speed (velocity) just before impact, they will have the same momentum when they hit the floor.

So, in conclusion, the correct answer is D – when a bowling ball and a tennis ball hit the floor at the same time, they will have the same speed, force, and momentum.