Create a detailed ERD using the Entities and Attributes document provided with the Service Request.

Create a Microsoft® Access® database using the ERD created above. You do not need to include keys and relationships at this point. Include the following:

Tables with appropriate data types
• Descriptions
• Format
• Masking

To create a detailed ERD using the Entities and Attributes document provided with the Service Request, follow these steps:

1. Review the Entities and Attributes document: Start by thoroughly understanding the requirements outlined in the document. Identify the entities, attributes, and relationships mentioned.

2. Identify the entities: From the document, identify the main entities involved in the system. Entities are objects or concepts that are relevant to the business process. For example, if the Service Request involves customers, products, and orders, those would be potential entities.

3. Determine the attributes: For each identified entity, examine the attributes mentioned in the document. Attributes are the properties or characteristics of an entity. For instance, a customer entity might have attributes like customer name, address, and contact information.

4. Determine data types: Identify the appropriate data types for each attribute. Common data types include:

- Text: Used for alphanumeric data such as names and descriptions.
- Number: Used for numerical data like quantities and prices.
- Date/Time: Used for recording dates and times.
- Boolean: Used for representing true or false values.

5. Determine descriptions: Assign descriptive names to each entity and attribute based on their purpose. These names should be meaningful and easily understood by users.

6. Determine format: Determine the format for each attribute, taking into consideration any specific requirements mentioned in the document. For example, a date attribute might follow the format DD-MM-YYYY.

7. Determine masking: If required, determine any masking requirements for specific attributes. Masking is the process of hiding or obfuscating sensitive data, like credit card numbers or social security numbers. It is done to protect privacy and comply with regulations.

Now that you have created the ERD, you can proceed to create a Microsoft Access database using the ERD. Follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Access: Launch Microsoft Access on your computer.

2. Create a new database: Click on "Blank Database" or "New" to create a new database. Provide a name for the database and designate a location for storage.

3. Create tables: In the Access database, click on the "Table Design" option to create new tables. For each entity identified in the ERD, create a table with the appropriate table name.

4. Add fields: Within each table, add fields corresponding to the attributes identified in the ERD. Assign the appropriate data types, descriptions, formats, and masking as determined earlier.

5. Save the tables: After adding the necessary fields to each table, save the tables with meaningful names.

At this stage, you have created a Microsoft Access database with tables that have appropriate data types, descriptions, formats, and maskings, as specified in the ERD.