when the temperature is constant the volume of a gas will decrease as the pressure decreases. True or false

False, The volume will decrease if the pressure increases.

Thank you Bryce

U can imagine a syringe filled with gas..... nw assume that ur appying more pressure on it by increasing the pressure on piston.... as ths is done piston moves down thus compressing the volume of gas n hence we say thay volume decreases as piston moves down

True. According to Boyle's Law, when the temperature of a gas is kept constant (isothermal condition), the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. This means that as the pressure decreases, the volume of the gas will decrease. Boyle's Law can be mathematically expressed as:

P₁V₁ = P₂V₂,

where P₁ and P₂ are the initial and final pressure values, and V₁ and V₂ are the initial and final volume values, respectively. If the temperature remains constant, this equation simplifies to:

V₁/V₂ = P₂/P₁,

showing that as the pressure decreases (P₂ < P₁), the volume (V₂) also decreases.