Draw a flowchart or write the pseudocode for an application that allows a user to enter price and computes 8 percent sales tax on the item. Use // declartions

//this is my first week of programming but here's what I have so far

Input myPrice
output myPrice
output 0.8

//I used Visual Logic to help me figure this out but I don't know how to DISPLAY the phrase: prints out for the user the original price and the tax but not the total. can you help?

Sure! Here's a pseudocode for the application you described:

// Declarations
Declare price as float
Declare taxRate as float
Declare salesTax as float

// User Input
Prompt the user to enter the price of the item
Read the price from the user

// Computation
Set taxRate to 8% (0.08)
Set salesTax to price multiplied by taxRate

// Output
Display the salesTax

Here's a flowchart representing the above pseudocode:

[Start] -> [Declare price, taxRate, salesTax] -> [Prompt for price] -> [Read price] -> [Set taxRate to 8%] -> [Multiply price by taxRate] -> [Assign result to salesTax] -> [Display salesTax] -> [End]

Note: The "Prompt" and "Display" steps are not always included in a flowchart but are represented here to illustrate user input and output.