how to write a verbal expression for 3x^2 and 5 + 6m^3

3 times the square of x

the product of 3 and the square of x

5 more than 6 times the cube of m
the sum of 5 and the product of 6 and the cube of m

going verbal: you might read up on polish infix notation

To write a verbal expression for 3x^2:

1. Start by describing the base value, which is "x."
2. Multiply "x" by itself, giving you "x squared."
3. Multiply the squared value of "x" by 3, so the verbal expression for 3x^2 is "3 times the square of x."

To write a verbal expression for 5 + 6m^3:

1. Begin by describing the addition of 5, which is "5."
2. Next, describe the base value, which is "m."
3. Cube "m" by multiplying it by itself three times, giving you "m cubed."
4. Finally, multiply the cubed value of "m" by 6.
Therefore, the verbal expression for 5 + 6m^3 is "5 added to 6 times the cube of m."

To write a verbal expression for the algebraic expressions 3x^2 and 5 + 6m^3, you need to understand the terms and power of the variables.

1. 3x^2:
- The coefficient of 3 signifies that the value is multiplied by 3.
- The variable x indicates that the expression contains a variable, "x."
- The exponent of 2 shows that the variable "x" is raised to the power of 2 (or squared).

So, the verbal expression for 3x^2 could be written as "three times x squared" or "three multiplied by the square of x."

2. 5 + 6m^3:
- The constant term 5 is simply added (or plus) to the expression.
- The coefficient of 6 shows that the value is multiplied by 6.
- The variable m indicates that the expression contains a variable, "m."
- The exponent of 3 indicates that the variable "m" is raised to the power of 3 (or cubed).

Thus, the verbal expression for 5 + 6m^3 could be written as "five plus six times the cube of m" or "five increased by six multiplied by the cube of m."