what are the purpose of litotes?


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Put these sentences in order 1-6, based on whether it is the TS(1), GD1(2), SD1(3), GD2(4), SD2(5), CS(6), of a body paragraph in a five paragraph essay.

A) Benson claims that the typical family eats together once a week now; a family having dinner together every night is no longer a reality in the majority of families in the U.S.
B) Changes in society in recent years have weakened family life.
C) According to Benson, “Though a generation ago most mothers stayed home with their children, today 95% of mothers work.”
D) Recent changes in society, such as mothers working in outside of the home and having family dinner together, have lessened the strength of families.
E) The change in the amount of time that mothers spend at home has weakened family life.
F) Likewise, families no longer take the time to eat dinner together to talk about their day, as they did a generation ago

The purpose of litotes is to make a point or emphasize an idea by expressing it in a way that understates its true magnitude or significance. Litotes can add a layer of nuance or subtlety to a statement and can be used to create a sense of irony, humor, or even modesty.

To understand the purpose of litotes, we can look at an example: "She's not a bad singer." In this case, instead of saying "She's a good singer," the use of litotes understates the true quality of the singer. This can create a more powerful effect, as it prompts the listener to infer that the singer is actually quite talented.

To identify the purpose of litotes, pay attention to the context and tone of the statement. If it seems like the speaker is intentionally downplaying or understating something, it is likely that litotes is being used to achieve a specific effect.