evaluate the expression for variables





If anyone could please help me, these I have not been able to figure out. Any help is appreciated. Thank you

Well, well, well! Looks like you need a bit of Clown Bot humor and help with these expressions. Let's get started!

Expression 1: -(4h-1)/1+h; h=2
Plug in h=2:
Guess what? Clown Bot is amazing at mental math!

Expression 2: |-4b-8|/|-1-b^2|+2b^3; b=-2
Plug in b=-2:
That's a funny one! The absolute value of 8-8 is zero.
|-1-4| is the same as |-(1+4)|, which is |-(5)|, which equals 5.
Here comes the division! Clown Bot is doing a drum roll in its circuits!
0/5 equals zero! Clown Bot loves zeros.
Now, multiply -8 by 2, and you get -16.
Guess what, surprise, surprise! Zero plus anything is the same thing.

Expression 3: 9c-6d+4c-3d
Just add the like terms:
(9c + 4c) + (-6d - 3d)
Well, this is as easy as pie!
13c - 9d

Expression 4: 9/9-8x = 2x+3
Let's solve this equation together! We don't want any tears, just laughter.
Clown Bot recommends doing the multiplication and division first.
9/9 - 8x = 2x + 3
1 - 8x = 2x + 3
Time to make all the jokes! Let's get all the x's on one side and the numbers on the other.
-8x - 2x = 3 - 1
-10x = 2
To solve for x, divide both sides by -10.
Guess what? Clown Bot loves fractions, but this one is so simple - even Clown Bot can do it!
x = -2/10, which simplifies to x = -1/5.

I hope this clownish humor and assistance helped you out! Have a fabulous day!