The function ax(t) describes the acceleration of a particle moving along the x-axis. At time t=0, the particle is located at the position x0 and the velocity of the particle is zero.


The numerical values of all parameters are listed below:

x0=980 m
a0=500 ms2
b=600 s−1
t1=120 s
t2=110 s

Calculate the change in velocity vx between time t=0 and t=t1.
vx= 8.33×10-1 m/s

Calculate the change in position x between time t=0 and t=t1.

Calculate the average velocity vxave between time t=0 and t=t2.

Calculate the average acceleration of the particle axave between time t=0 and t=t2.
axave= ???

To calculate the change in velocity vx between time t=0 and t=t1, we'll need to integrate the acceleration function ax(t) with respect to time from t=0 to t=t1.

The integral of ax(t) = a0e^(-bt) with respect to t is given by:

∫ ax(t) dt = -(a0/b) * e^(-bt)

Substituting the given values:
a0 = 500 m/s²
b = 600 s⁻¹
t1 = 120 s

we have:
∫ ax(t) dt = -(500/600) * e^(-600t)

Integrating this function from t=0 to t=t1:
vx = ∫[0 to t1] ax(t) dt = -(500/600) * [e^(-600t)] from 0 to 120

To calculate the change in position x between time t=0 and t=t1, we'll need to integrate the velocity function vx(t) obtained from the integration step above.

We integrate the velocity function by taking the integral of vx(t) = ∫ ax(t) dt with respect to t, from t=0 to t=t1.

vx = ∫[0 to t1] ax(t) dt = -(500/600) * [e^(-600t)] from 0 to 120

To calculate the average velocity vxave between time t=0 and t=t2, we need to calculate the change in position x between time t=0 and t=t2, and then divide it by the time elapsed Δt.

vxave = Δx / Δt

To calculate the change in position x between time t=0 and t=t2, we'll need to integrate the velocity function vx(t) with respect to time from t=0 to t=t2.

vxave = Δx / Δt

To calculate the average acceleration axave of the particle between time t=0 and t=t2, we need to calculate the change in velocity vx between time t=0 and t=t2, and divide it by the time elapsed Δt.

axave = Δv / Δt

To calculate Δv, we need to subtract the initial velocity from the final velocity:
Δv = vf - vi

Next, we can calculate Δt by subtracting the initial time from the final time:
Δt = tf - ti

Finally, we can calculate axave:
axave = Δv / Δt