lets say you have a tree or a flagpole. Describe how you would measure this object using right angled triganometry

Is the sun shining? If so, you could take a one-meter ruler, place it vertically on the ground, mark both the point on the ground where you placed the ruler and the point where the end of its shadow is, then take the ruler away. Next, use the ruler to measure both the length of the shadow you've just created by the ruler itself, and then the length of the shadow created by the flagpole. The ratio of the flagpole shadow length to the length of the shadow of the ruler should give you the height of the flagpole in meters. (Sherlock Holmes did something very similar in "The Musgrave Ritual" to determine how long a shadow must have been cast of a tree that was no longer there, given that the height of the tree before it was felled was known.)

I think i need to explain this method using SOH CAH or TOA

No problem - but you'll still need to be able both to measure a distance and to calculate an angle. Measure the distance between the bottom of the flagpole and a point some convenient distance away - it doesn't really matter how far, but say it's Y meters. Now work out the angle of the top of the flagpole from where you're standing. I don't know if you're going to do that with a sextant or something, but you need to know that angle: call it A. Then if X is the height of the flagpole, you know that (X/Y) is the tangent of A, i.e. X/Y = tan(A). So X = Y tan(A), so you're using TOA.

For example, if you're standing 10 meters away from the flagpole, and A = 60 degrees, then tan(A) = 1.732 (you'll get that from a set of tables), so the height of the flagpole is 10 x 1.732 = 17.32 meters.
One last thing: strictly speaking, you'd need to add YOUR height to the calculation. If you're standing up, you'll be getting on for two meters above the ground - so unless you're lying on the ground when you work out the angle above the horizontal of the top of the flagpole, you'll need to allow for that too.

To measure the height of a tree or a flagpole using right-angled trigonometry, you will need a few tools and follow these steps:

1. Equipment needed: You will require a measuring tape or ruler, a protractor, and a level instrument (such as a clinometer or a smartphone with a clinometer app).

2. Set up: Stand at a distance from the tree or flagpole where you have a clear line of sight to its top. Ensure that the ground is level where you are standing.

3. Determine the angle: Use the level instrument to measure the angle between your line of sight and the ground. A clinometer is typically held upright and the angle is read from its display or app.

4. Measure the distance: Use the measuring tape or ruler to measure the horizontal distance from your position to the base of the tree or flagpole. Make sure to measure along the ground or floor without any obstacles.

5. Calculate the height: With the angle and distance measurements in hand, you can use trigonometry to find the height. Specifically, you will use the tangent function (tan) since it relates the angle, the height, and the distance in a right-angled triangle.

- Let "A" represent the angle you measured (in degrees).
- Let "D" represent the distance from your position to the base of the tree or flagpole (in meters).
- Let "H" represent the height of the tree or flagpole (in meters).

The formula to calculate the height is: H = D * tan(A)

Simply plug in the values you measured into this formula, and calculate the result using a calculator.

6. Take additional measurements: For more accurate results, repeat the above steps in different positions around the tree or flagpole and take multiple angle and distance measurements. Then, calculate the average of these height measurements for better precision.

By following these steps and using right-angled trigonometry, you can obtain an estimate of the height of a tree or flagpole without needing to physically climb it. Remember to prioritize safety and use proper equipment when performing these measurements.