The average raindrop has a diameter of 2.55mm. Columbus, OH has an average rainfall of 38.52 inches per year. You know how to find the volume of a sphere and diameter and volume= L*W*H and that 1 meter = 39.37 in. Leap year = 366 days/year. How many rain drops fall on a square meter in Columbus, OH per day in a leap year?

38.52in/yr * 1yr/366day = 0.1052in/day

= 2.673mm/day

2.673mm/day * (1000mm/m)^2 = 2.673*10^6mm^3/day on a 1m^2 surface

1.673*10^6mm^3/day * 1drop/(pi/6 *2.55^3)mm^3 = 192697.8 drop/day

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To find the number of raindrops that fall on a square meter in Columbus, OH per day in a leap year, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the rainfall from inches to meters.
Since 1 meter equals 39.37 inches, we can convert the average rainfall in Columbus, OH per year from inches to meters:
38.52 inches * (1 meter / 39.37 inches) = 0.978 meters

Step 2: Calculate the volume of rain in cubic meters per year.
To find the volume of rain in Columbus, OH per year, we need to multiply the rainfall value by the area of a square meter:
Volume = 0.978 meters * 1 square meter = 0.978 cubic meters

Step 3: Calculate the volume of a raindrop.
The volume of a sphere can be calculated using the formula: V = (4/3) * π * r^3
Given the diameter of a raindrop as 2.55 mm, we can calculate the radius by dividing the diameter by 2:
Radius = 2.55 mm / 2 = 1.275 mm = 0.001275 meters
Now, we can calculate the volume of a raindrop:
V = (4/3) * π * (0.001275 meters)^3 = 8.117 × 10^-12 cubic meters

Step 4: Calculate the number of raindrops per year.
To find the number of raindrops in a year, we divide the volume of rain by the volume of a raindrop:
Number of raindrops = Volume of rain / Volume of a raindrop
Number of raindrops = 0.978 cubic meters / 8.117 × 10^-12 cubic meters = 1.204 × 10^11 raindrops

Step 5: Calculate the number of raindrops per day.
Since there are 366 days in a leap year, we divide the calculated number of raindrops by 366 to get the average number of raindrops per day in a leap year:
Number of raindrops per day = Number of raindrops / 366
Number of raindrops per day = 1.204 × 10^11 raindrops / 366 = 3.29 × 10^8 raindrops

Therefore, there are approximately 3.29 × 10^8 raindrops falling on a square meter in Columbus, OH per day during a leap year.