156 / 55 - how do i show my work for long division?

This site shows how to do long division.



To show your work for long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the dividend and divisor down. In this case, the dividend is 156, and the divisor is 55.

Step 2: Identify the first digit of the dividend that can be divided by the divisor without going over. In this case, the first digit is 1 because 55 cannot be divided by 156.

Step 3: Write the first digit (1) above the division bar as the quotient.

1 |

Step 4: Multiply the divisor (55) by the quotient (1) and write the result beneath the dividend.

1 |
- 55

1 |
- 55

Step 5: Subtract the result (101) from the first portion of the dividend (156 - 101 = 55). Write the difference beneath the last result.

1 |
- 55
- 55

Step 6: Bring down the next digit of the dividend (in this case, there is no more digit left), and place it next to the difference.

1 |
- 55
- 55

Step 7: Repeat steps 2-6 until no more digits can be brought down.

In this example, there are no more digits to bring down. The final result is 2.818181... (the division would continue repeating with 18).

Therefore, 156 divided by 55 is 2.818181...

Note: If the division does not result in an exact answer, you can choose to round the decimal depending on your desired level of precision.