simplify: -11a - 13b + 7a - 3b .. SHOW WORK !!

To simplify the given expression, -11a - 13b + 7a - 3b, we can combine like terms, that is, combine the terms with the same variables.

Let's start by combining the "a" terms: -11a + 7a. When combining these terms, we need to take into account the sign in front of each term. Since -11a is negative and 7a is positive, we subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger absolute value and keep the sign of the term with the larger absolute value. So, -11a + 7a = -4a.

Next, let's combine the "b" terms: -13b - 3b. When combining these terms, we use the same approach. Since -13b is negative and -3b is also negative, we add the absolute values of these terms and keep the negative sign. So, -13b - 3b = -16b.

Finally, we combine the simplified "a" and "b" terms to form the final expression: -4a - 16b.

Therefore, the simplified expression is -4a - 16b.

Combine like terms.

I'll be glad to check your answer.