Mikayla, chief financial officer of Napoli Chocolate Company, adopts religious ethical standards. These involve an element of

A discretion.
B cost-benefit analysis.
C compassion.
D utilitarianism.
i would chose d

What does practicality have to do with religious ethics?

Think about what religion means.

To confirm your selection, let's go through each of the options:

A) Discretion: Religious ethical standards may involve exercising discretion in decision-making, but it does not define the nature of these ethical standards.

B) Cost-benefit analysis: While cost-benefit analysis is a common approach used in business decision-making, it is not specifically related to religious ethical standards.

C) Compassion: Compassion is a strong candidate as religious ethical standards often emphasize empathy and caring for others. However, let's keep exploring.

D) Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that focuses on maximizing overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of people. It evaluates actions based on their consequences. While some religious ethical systems may have utilitarian elements, it is not a defining characteristic.

Based on the available options, C) compassion aligns best with religious ethical standards. Religious ethics often encourage individuals to show compassion towards others and practice kindness and empathy.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) compassion.