a report on the assets of american households says that the median net worth of the U.S. families is $120,300. The mean worth of these families is $556,300. What explain the difference between these two measures of center?

The median worth is the number in the middle when all net worths are arranged from lowest to highest.

The median is the average. This tells me that there are many households with very high net worth.

The difference between the median and the mean net worth of American households can be explained by the distribution of wealth within the population.

The median represents the middle value when all household net worths are ranked in ascending order. In this case, it indicates that half of U.S. families have net worths below $120,300, and the other half have net worths above that value.

On the other hand, the mean or average is calculated by summing up all the net worths of U.S. families and dividing it by the total number of families. In this case, the mean net worth of $556,300 represents the total wealth in the country divided by the number of households.

The difference between the median and mean suggests that the distribution of wealth is not equal among American households.

If the mean is higher than the median, it implies that there are a few extremely wealthy households with significant net worth. This small group's high net worths pull the average up, while the majority of households have net worths closer to the median.

Therefore, the difference between the median and the mean net worth of American households reflects the unequal distribution of wealth, with a small number of very wealthy households influencing the mean value.

The difference between the median and mean net worth of U.S. families can be explained by the distribution of wealth among households.

The median net worth represents the value that separates the top 50% of households with the highest net worth from the bottom 50% with the lowest net worth. It is the middle value when all households are ordered from lowest to highest net worth. In this case, the median net worth is $120,300, indicating that half of the U.S. families have a net worth below this amount, and the other half have a net worth above it.

On the other hand, the mean net worth is calculated by summing up the net worth of all households and dividing it by the total number of households. In this case, the mean net worth is $556,300. Since the mean takes into account the values of all households, it can be influenced by extreme values or outliers. If there are a few extremely high net worth households, they can significantly impact the mean, making it higher than the median.

So, in summary, the difference between the median and mean net worth of U.S. families suggests that there might be a relatively small number of households with extremely high net worth, pushing the mean up, while the majority of households have a lower net worth, resulting in a lower median.