A.Driving from El Paso to San Antonia on a bus ...560 miles traveling at avg speed of 60 miles per hr how do I make a graph with the time & distance.

B. have to estimate distance bus tvls in 2 hrs...2 3/4 hrs...3.5 hrs...7.25 hrs..
C.need to describe in words a rule you can use to calculate distance traveled for any given time for this trip.

A. Use the following data for graphing.

When graphing, show time on X-axis and
distance on Y-axis.

B. Use graph to estimate distance.

C. D = r * T.
r = 60 Miles per hr.
T = Time in hrs.

We can calculate the distance at any time by multiplying the rate(60) by the
given time.

A. To create a graph with time and distance, you first need to determine the data points. In this case, you know that the total distance is 560 miles and the average speed is 60 miles per hour.

To find the time it takes to travel each distance, divide the distance by the average speed.
For example:
- Time to travel 100 miles: 100 miles / 60 miles per hour = 1.67 hours
- Time to travel 200 miles: 200 miles / 60 miles per hour = 3.33 hours

Once you have these data points, you can plot them on a graph. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents distance. Each data point will correspond to a specific time and distance traveled. Connect the points to create a line graph, which will show the relationship between time and distance.

B. To estimate the distance traveled for specific time intervals, you can use the same method mentioned above. Divide each time interval by the average speed to find the estimated distance traveled.

For example:
- 2 hours: 2 hours * 60 miles per hour = 120 miles
- 2 3/4 hours: 2.75 hours * 60 miles per hour = 165 miles
- 3.5 hours: 3.5 hours * 60 miles per hour = 210 miles
- 7.25 hours: 7.25 hours * 60 miles per hour = 435 miles

These calculations provide an estimation of the distance traveled based on the given time intervals.

C. To calculate the distance traveled for any given time for this trip, you can use the average speed as a rule.

The rule can be expressed as follows:
Distance Traveled = Average Speed * Time

Using the given example of driving from El Paso to San Antonio with an average speed of 60 miles per hour, you can calculate the distance traveled at any given time by multiplying the average speed by the time.