The ________ muscle mass belongs to the posterior group?

A. Smallest

B. Largest

C. Most dense

D. None of the above


The answe is B


How can I trust that they answer is B if you cant spell answer?

I've taken the exam the answer is B

To determine which muscle mass belongs to the posterior group, you generally need to have an understanding of human anatomy. The posterior group refers to the muscles located at the back of the body.

In this case, we need to identify the muscle mass that belongs to the largest posterior group. To do this, you can refer to an anatomical diagram or a human anatomy textbook. Look for the main muscles located in the back of the body.

The muscle that fits the criteria of being the largest in the posterior group is the Trapezius. It is a large, triangular muscle located in the upper back and neck region. It helps with various movements of the shoulders, neck, and head.

Therefore, the correct answer, based on the information given, is B. Largest.