Joe drank 4 liters of water on Monday and 4 deciliters of water on Tuesday. How much water did he drink on Monday than on Tuesday?

1 liter = 10 deciliters

To find out how much water Joe drank on Monday compared to Tuesday, we need to convert the measurements to the same unit of measure.

First, let's convert 4 liters to deciliters. Since there are 10 deciliters in 1 liter, we can multiply 4 liters by 10, which equals 40 deciliters.

So, Joe drank 40 deciliters of water on Monday.

Now, we can compare this to the 4 deciliters Joe drank on Tuesday.

To calculate the difference, we subtract the amount of water Joe drank on Tuesday from the amount he drank on Monday:

40 deciliters - 4 deciliters = 36 deciliters.

Therefore, Joe drank 36 deciliters more water on Monday than on Tuesday.