What is the correct sentence pattern for...I hereby declare Tuesday Shakespeare Day.


Click on the box below to choose the correct sentence pattern for the sentence below.

There is good reason to be thankful.

I hereby declare Tuesday Shakespeare Day.

The correct sentence pattern that matches the sentence "I hereby declare Tuesday Shakespeare Day" is:


Let's break down the sentence to understand the pattern:
- "I" is the subject (S).
- "hereby declare" is the verb phrase (V).
- "Tuesday Shakespeare Day" is the adverbial object (AO) that clarifies the time and purpose of the declaration.
- There is no direct object (DO) in this sentence.

So, the sentence follows the S-V-AO-DO sentence pattern.

It's worth noting that the options you provided are not relevant to this specific sentence. They are more suited for questions or sentences with different structures.

I = subject

hereby = adverb
declare = main verb
Tuesday = direct object
Shakespeare Day = object complement

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