Mel Sturbridge needs $24,700 to remodel his home. Find the face value of a simple discount note that will provide the $24,700 in proceeds if he plans to repay the note in 180 days and the bank charges an 8% discount rate.

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To find the face value of the simple discount note, we first need to understand how simple discount notes work.

The formula to calculate the face value of a simple discount note is:

Face Value = Proceeds / (1 - (Discount Rate * Time))

Proceeds = amount of money needed, which is $24,700
Discount Rate = 8% or 0.08 (converted to decimal)
Time = repayment period in years, which is 180 days ÷ 365 (since the discount rate is typically quoted on an annual basis)

Let's plug in the values and calculate the face value:

Proceeds = $24,700
Discount Rate = 0.08
Time = 180 days ÷ 365

Face Value = $24,700 / (1 - (0.08 * (180/365)))

Simplifying the equation:

Face Value = $24,700 / (1 - 0.04137)

Face Value = $24,700 / (0.95863)

Face Value ≈ $25,741.07

Therefore, the face value of the simple discount note that will provide $24,700 in proceeds is approximately $25,741.07.

To find the face value of a simple discount note, we need to use the formula:

Face Value = Proceeds / (1 - Discount Rate * Time)

Here, the discount rate is 8% or 0.08, and the time is 180 days or 180/360 (since most banks consider a year to have 360 days).

Let's calculate the face value using the formula:

Face Value = $24,700 / (1 - 0.08 * (180/360))
Face Value = $24,700 / (1 - 0.08 * 0.5)
Face Value = $24,700 / (1 - 0.04)
Face Value = $24,700 / 0.96
Face Value ≈ $25,729.17

So, the face value of the simple discount note that will provide $24,700 in proceeds is approximately $25,729.17.