What can be inferred after performing the experiments in the atomic theory lab?

A) Where matter comes from
B) How salt is formed
C) If salt can dissolve in water
D) If matter is created or destroyed

Is it D?

D is incorrect because matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

The correct answer is A.

Oh, Thank You Lisa.

Are you sure, Yui

do you're chores lisa


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and consider what can be inferred from performing experiments in an atomic theory lab:

A) Where matter comes from: The experiments conducted in an atomic theory lab may provide insights into the nature and behavior of matter, but they do not directly reveal where matter comes from. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B) How salt is formed: Experiments in an atomic theory lab can involve studying the formation of different compounds, including salt. By examining the chemical reactions and analyzing the properties of the elements involved, it is possible to understand the process of salt formation. Hence, this option could be a potential inference from the lab experiments.

C) If salt can dissolve in water: In an atomic theory lab, researchers can investigate the solubility of various substances in water, including salt. Through experiments, they can determine whether salt dissolves in water or not. Thus, this option is another possible inference that can be made from the lab work.

D) If matter is created or destroyed: The concept of the conservation of matter is a fundamental principle in science. According to this principle, matter cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change forms or undergo chemical reactions. In an atomic theory lab, researchers focus on studying the structure and behavior of atoms and how they combine and interact in chemical reactions. By analyzing these processes, they can confirm that matter is not created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore, this option could also be a plausible inference from the lab experiments.

Based on the above analysis, option D) If matter is created or destroyed is a valid inference that can be made from performing the experiments in an atomic theory lab.

D, is the correct answer. Just used A as an answer and it was wrong.