The equation d=3.5t+50 represents the distance in meters that a cyclist is from his home after t seconds

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To find the distance in meters that the cyclist is from his home after a certain amount of time, we can use the equation d = 3.5t + 50.


1. Identify the given information: The equation d = 3.5t + 50 represents the distance in meters (d) that the cyclist is from his home after a certain number of seconds (t).

2. Substitute the value of t into the equation: Let's say we want to find the distance after 10 seconds. We can substitute t = 10 into the equation: d = 3.5(10) + 50.

3. Perform the calculation: Multiply 3.5 by 10 and add 50. d = 35 + 50 = 85.

Therefore, after 10 seconds, the cyclist is 85 meters away from his home.

You can follow the same process to find the distance for any other given time by substituting the respective value of t into the equation and performing the necessary calculation.