1.Two supplementary angles differ by 44 degrees.

Find The answer?
2.Two complementary angles differ by 9 degrees.
Find the answer?


x + x - 44 = 180

x + x - 9 = 90

To find the answer for each question, we need to use the concept of supplementary and complementary angles.

1. Two supplementary angles differ by 44 degrees.
Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. Let's assume one angle is x degrees. Then the other angle will be (180 - x) degrees, because they are supplementary. According to the given information, the two angles differ by 44 degrees, so we can set up the equation:
(180 - x) - x = 44

Simplifying the equation:
180 - 2x = 44
2x = 180 - 44
2x = 136
x = 136/2
x = 68

So one angle is 68 degrees, and the other angle is (180 - 68) = 112 degrees.

2. Two complementary angles differ by 9 degrees.
Complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees. Let's assume one angle is x degrees. Then the other angle will be (90 - x) degrees, because they are complementary. According to the given information, the two angles differ by 9 degrees, so we can set up the equation:
(90 - x) - x = 9

Simplifying the equation:
90 - 2x = 9
2x = 90 - 9
2x = 81
x = 81/2
x = 40.5

Since angles cannot have decimal values, we need to find whole numbers that differ by 9 degrees and add up to 90 degrees. The closest values are 41 and 49:
One angle is 41 degrees, and the other angle is 49 degrees.

Therefore, the answers are:
1. The two supplementary angles are 68 degrees and 112 degrees.
2. The two complementary angles are 41 degrees and 49 degrees.