What type of figurative language does this statement represent (if it does at all): "Buried deep beneath the stories about executive bonuses..."

Is it metaphorical?

It would be, right? Because it's not concrete?


Awesome! Thanks once again Ms. Sue.

You're welcome.

The statement "Buried deep beneath the stories about executive bonuses..." contains a type of figurative language known as a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things without using "like" or "as." In this case, the phrase "buried deep beneath" compares the hidden nature of what is being talked about to something being buried deep beneath the surface. This metaphorical language is used to emphasize that the subject being mentioned is obscured or overshadowed by the stories about executive bonuses. To identify the type of figurative language in a statement like this, it's important to analyze the words and phrases used and consider their intended meaning beyond their literal interpretation.