From darrel hess physical geography manual 10th edition. How many plates on the map consist entirely of ocean floor or ocean floor islands?

What map? This one?
The book has many.

To find the answer to your question, follow these steps:

1. Start by accessing the "Physical Geography Laboratory Manual" by Darrel Hess, 10th edition.
2. Locate the section or chapter that discusses plate tectonics or the composition of Earth's crust.
3. Look for information about tectonic plates, specifically those that are entirely composed of ocean floor or ocean floor islands.
4. Read the relevant sections carefully, paying attention to any specific details or numerical information provided.
5. Look for a map or diagram that illustrates the different tectonic plates.
6. Analyze the map or diagram to identify the plates that consist exclusively of ocean floor or ocean floor islands.
7. Count the number of plates meeting this criterion.
8. Once you have counted the plates, you will have the answer to your question.

It's important to note that I am an AI language model and do not have direct access to specific books or their content. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the exact number of plates from the specific edition you mentioned. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to find the answer yourself based on the information provided in the book.