Round each number to the place value indicated by the

digit in bold.
a. 3587 the 5
b. 148,213 the 1, in 148
c. 23,785 the 3
d. 2,357 the 5

a. 3600.

b. 150,000.
c. 24,000.
d. 2360.

To round a number to a specific place value indicated by the bold digit, you will follow these steps:

a. 3587 (rounding to the nearest ten): Look at the digit in bold, which is 5. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, we will round up. To round to the nearest ten, we look at the digit to the right of the bold digit, which is 8. Since 8 is greater than 5, we add 1 to the bold digit (5) and change all the digits to the right of the bold digit to 0. Therefore, rounding 3587 to the nearest ten results in 3590.

b. 148,213 (rounding to the nearest thousand): Look at the digit in bold, which is 1. Since it is less than 5, we will round down. To round to the nearest thousand, we look at the digit to the right of the bold digit, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we keep the bold digit (1) and change all the digits to the right of the bold digit to 0. Therefore, rounding 148,213 to the nearest thousand gives us 148,000.

c. 23,785 (rounding to the nearest hundred): Look at the digit in bold, which is 3. Since it is less than 5, we will round down. To round to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit to the right of the bold digit, which is 7. Since 7 is greater than 5, we add 1 to the bold digit (3) and change all the digits to the right of the bold digit to 0. Therefore, rounding 23,785 to the nearest hundred results in 23,800.

d. 2,357 (rounding to the nearest ten): Look at the digit in bold, which is 5. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, we will round up. To round to the nearest ten, we look at the digit to the right of the bold digit, which is 7. Since 7 is greater than 5, we add 1 to the bold digit (5) and change all the digits to the right of the bold digit to 0. Therefore, rounding 2,357 to the nearest ten gives us 2,360.