Kindly solve this and give its restriction.

(5-xy)/(9z) - (14+8xy)/(9z)

To solve the expression (5-xy)/(9z) - (14+8xy)/(9z) and find its restriction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine the two fractions with a common denominator of 9z.

The expression becomes [(5-xy) - (14+8xy)] / (9z).

Step 2: Simplify the expression within the numerator.

The numerator can be simplified as:
5 - xy - 14 - 8xy = -9 - 9xy.

So, the expression becomes (-9 - 9xy) / (9z).

Step 3: Factor out a common negative sign from the numerator.

The expression becomes -1(9 + 9xy) / (9z).

Step 4: Cancel out the common factor of 9 in the numerator and denominator.

Now, the simplified expression is - (1 + xy) / z.

The restriction for this expression is that the denominator, z, cannot equal zero because division by zero is undefined. So, the restriction is z ≠ 0.

combine terms to get

= -(1+xy)/z

I don't see anything to "solve" here. Evaluating it in some way would exclude z = 0.