how many ml distilled water is required to prepare 2% sucrose solution from 2% 2liter sucrose solution from 20% sucrose solution?

Your question does not make sense. Are you making the 2% solution from 2% solution? Or 20% solution? How much are you making?

Pay attention to your punctuation and capitalization.

To determine the amount of distilled water needed to prepare a 2% sucrose solution from a 2-liter 20% sucrose solution, we can use the following equation:

(C1 * V1) + (C2 * V2) = (C3 * V3)

C1 = concentration of the first solution (20%)
V1 = volume of the first solution (2 liters)
C2 = concentration of the distilled water (0%)
V2 = volume of the distilled water (unknown; what we want to find)
C3 = concentration of the final solution (2%)
V3 = volume of the final solution (2 liters)

Since distilled water has a concentration of 0%, the equation can be simplified to:

(20% * 2 liters) + (0% * V2) = (2% * 2 liters)

Simplifying further:

(20% * 2 liters) = (2% * 2 liters)

40% liters = 4% liters

To solve for V2, we can divide both sides by 4:

(40% liters) / 4 = (4% liters) / 4

10 liters = 1 liter

So, to prepare a 2% sucrose solution from a 2-liter 20% sucrose solution, you will need to add 1 liter of distilled water.