what is the value of -27 - 8?

a. -35
b. -19
c. 19
d. 35

what the solution 40 + (-11)?

a. -51
b. -29
c. 29
d. 51

what the value of -31 + 30?

a. -61
b. -1
c. 1
d. 61

Can u check my answers?

here they are:

if they r wrong plz tell me the right ones

on 3 i meant c sorry

Please try again. All of your answers are wrong.

1. -27 -8 = -35

Study this site to help you with the other two.


Let's check your answers one by one:

1. The value of -27 - 8 can be calculated by subtracting 8 from -27. To do this, we start with -27 and move 8 units towards the left (since 8 is negative). Counting the units, we land at -35. Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. -35

Your answer: c. This is incorrect. The correct answer is a.

2. The solution to 40 + (-11) can be found by adding 40 and -11. Since -11 is negative, we move 11 units towards the left from 40. Counting the units, we land at 29. Therefore, the correct answer is:

c. 29

Your answer: d. This is correct.

3. The value of -31 + 30 can be found by adding -31 and 30. Since 30 is positive, we move 30 units towards the right from -31. Counting the units, we land at -1. Therefore, the correct answer is:

b. -1

Your answer: 1. This is incorrect. The correct answer is b.

So, your updated answers are:

1. a
2. d
3. b

You have one correct answer (2 out of 3). Well done!