I need help with doing this problem...

5x-7(2-4x). Any idea how to do it?

I think this is how you solve it:



Thus, 33x-14 is your simplified answer.

Hope this helps!


5x - 14 + 28x

33x - 14

To simplify the expression 5x - 7(2 - 4x), we can use the distributive property.

Step 1: Distribute -7 to both terms inside the parentheses:
5x - 7(2) + 7(4x)

Step 2: Simplify the products:
5x - 14 + 28x

Step 3: Combine like terms:
5x + 28x - 14

Step 4: Combine the x terms:
(5x + 28x) - 14

Step 5: Add the coefficients of the x terms:
33x - 14

Therefore, the simplified expression is 33x - 14.