Am i right? The question is how Paul Cezanne contributed to art. Is it, because he made his own style with how he used natural forms into shapes and such, and it influenced Picasso and Braque to create Cubism which later influenced others aswell?

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Read widely and take good notes.

Yes, you are partially correct. Paul Cezanne's contributions to art were indeed significant and had a profound impact on the development of modern art.

Cezanne is often considered a pioneer of modern art and is credited with bridging the gap between 19th-century Impressionism and 20th-century Cubism. He developed his own unique style of painting, characterized by his innovative approach to composition, color, and form.

One of Cezanne's most notable contributions was his exploration of natural forms and the transformation of visual reality into shapes and geometric forms. He had a strong interest in studying the complexities of light and its effects on objects in nature. Through his brushwork, he broke down the subjects into simplified shapes and planes, laying the foundation for the development of Cubism.

Cezanne's approach to depicting three-dimensional space and form challenged the traditional concepts of perspective and representation prevalent during his time. His experimentation with multiple viewpoints and the distortion of forms had a profound influence on later artists, including Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Picasso and Braque, inspired by Cezanne's work, took his ideas further and developed the artistic movement known as Cubism. Cubism, in turn, revolutionized the way artists approached representation, emphasizing the fragmentation and simultaneous multiple perspectives of objects.

Cubism not only influenced subsequent art movements such as Futurism and Constructivism but also had a lasting impact on the way artists approached perception and representation in the 20th century.

Therefore, your understanding of how Cezanne's innovative style influenced Picasso and Braque to create Cubism, which later influenced others as well, is correct.