Charlemagne did several things to make his Carolingian Empire larger and better administered with support from both vassals and the Church. Yet, not that many years after his death, much of that had been lost. Summarize what Charlemagne did to make his Empire larger and better administered. Identify at least two important things Charlemagne accomplished and explain your reasoning. Why, in your opinion, did the empire decline and fragment? Was this inevitable?

summarize what charlemagne did to make his empsire larger and bettered administeted

Charlemagne, the King of the Franks and Lombards, is known for his efforts in expanding and improving the administration of the Carolingian Empire. Here are two important accomplishments of Charlemagne that contributed to the growth and governance of his empire:

1. Conquest and Expansion: Charlemagne embarked on numerous military campaigns, expanding the Carolingian Empire across Western Europe. He conquered territories in present-day France, Germany, Italy, and parts of Spain, significantly enlarging his realm. The annexation of new lands brought more resources, subjects, and increased influence for Charlemagne.

2. Administrative Reforms: Charlemagne implemented a variety of administrative reforms to promote efficient governance. He established a centralized system, dividing the empire into administrative regions called "counties," each governed by a loyal vassal known as a "count." These counts were responsible for law enforcement, collecting taxes, and maintaining local order, thereby strengthening local control while reaffirming the imperial authority.

Additionally, Charlemagne fostered close ties with the Church, seeking support and validation for his rule. He partnered with religious leaders, such as Pope Leo III, leading to his coronation as the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE. This alliance with the Church enhanced his legitimacy and provided spiritual backing for his imperial ambitions.

However, despite these achievements, the Carolingian Empire began to decline and fragment after Charlemagne's death. The decentralization of power, weakened central authority, and various external pressures contributed to its demise. Here are some factors that led to the decline:

1. Inherited Succession Issues: Following Charlemagne's death, his empire was subjected to the tradition of dividing the realm among his heirs in a process called "Frankish partition." This division weakened the empire's unity as power became distributed among different competing factions, leading to internal conflicts and power struggles.

2. External Threats: The Carolingian Empire faced external threats, such as Viking invasions, Muslim incursions from the south, and attacks from neighboring Germanic tribes. These constant assaults weakened the empire's defenses and strained its resources, making it difficult to maintain control over the vast territory.

3. Feudal Fragmentation: The rise of feudalism, with local lords gaining more autonomy and power, further contributed to the fragmentation of the empire. Feudal lords became independent rulers within their territories, challenging the central authority and diminishing the control of the Carolingian king.

In my opinion, while some level of decline and fragmentation might have been inevitable due to the challenges faced by the empire, the rapid collapse was influenced by the factors mentioned above. The lack of strong centralized rule, external threats, and the growth of feudalism all contributed to the ultimate fragmentation of the Carolingian Empire.