According to Aristotle, ethos refers to:

A. emotions.
B. logic.
C. ethics.
D. none of the above

Im thinking C


for communication to take place, there has to be:

A. transmission of the message
B. medium
C. sharing of meaning
D. absence of noise

To find the answer to this question, we can approach it by understanding who Aristotle was and his work.

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who had a significant influence on numerous fields including ethics, logic, and rhetoric. He developed a framework known as the rhetorical triangle, consisting of three persuasive appeals - ethos, pathos, and logos.

Ethos, in this context, refers to the ethical or moral appeal used to persuade an audience. It involves establishing credibility, trustworthiness, and authority. Ethos relies on the character, expertise, and reputation of the speaker or writer to convince others of their argument or point of view.

Given this information, we can conclude that the correct answer is C. ethics, as ethos pertains to the ethical appeal in persuasive communication, rather than emotions (A) or logic (B).