My homework says describe how the exterior of a structure differ of share similar design art elements from the interior.

Does that mean elements of art, or features of architecture like arches, windows, etc?

When your homework prompt mentions "design art elements," it is likely referring to the elements of art rather than specific architectural features. The elements of art include line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space. These elements are fundamental building blocks utilized in various art forms, including architecture.

To describe how the exterior of a structure differs or shares similar design elements with the interior, you can consider the following:

1. Line: Examine the lines used in the architecture of the structure. Are they straight, curved, or a combination of both? Do these lines continue from the exterior to the interior?

2. Shape: Observe the overall shapes employed in the design of the structure on the outside. Are they geometric (rectangular, circular) or organic (irregular, flowing)? Do these shapes repeat or resemble any particular elements on the inside?

3. Form: Analyze the physical form or three-dimensional appearance of the structure. Consider the volumes, masses, and spatial relationships both externally and internally. How do they relate or differ from one another?

4. Color: Evaluate the color choices employed on the exterior of the structure. Are they vibrant, subdued, or a mix of both? Are similar color palettes used inside the building?

5. Value: Notice the levels of lightness and darkness present in the structure's exterior design. How does the play of light and shadow differ or remain consistent between the outside and inside?

6. Texture: Study the texture of the materials used to construct the structure's exterior. Is it smooth, rough, or a combination? Does this texture extend to the interior surfaces?

7. Space: Examine the spatial organization and layout of the structure. How does the outside space relate to the inside spaces? Are there any consistent patterns or motifs that appear in both areas?

Remember, architecture is a multidimensional art form, so there may be many other aspects to consider. By analyzing the elements of art used in both the exterior and interior, you should be able to describe how they differ or share similarities in design.