What is an example of a response that someone with BDD might give after receiving a successful cosmetic surgery?

A. “I love what you’ve done with my nose, it looks great!”

B. “I think more needs to be shaved off the top of my nose so it doesn’t look so pointy, like Pinocchio”

C. “Hey doc, I can’t wait to recommend you to my friends”

D. All of the above




doll my name

The correct answer is A.

Someone with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) tends to have excessive preoccupation with perceived flaws in their appearance. Even after receiving a successful cosmetic surgery, a person with BDD is likely to still focus on perceived flaws and may have difficulty accepting or being satisfied with the results. They might have an exaggerated or distorted view of their appearance, which can make it difficult for them to see the positive changes that have occurred.

Answer B is incorrect because it suggests that the person is still dissatisfied with the surgery and wants more changes made. Answer C is also incorrect because recommending the surgeon to friends implies satisfaction, which is unlikely in the case of someone with BDD. Therefore, the correct answer is A, as it represents a more typical response from someone who is genuinely happy with the result of their cosmetic surgery.

It's important to note that BDD is a serious mental health condition that can significantly impact a person's quality of life, and it's best for individuals with BDD to seek professional help from mental health professionals who specialize in this area.