Christine runs 3 miles in 25 minutes. At the same rate, how many miles would she run in 85 minutes?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

3/25 = x/85


samantha can run one mile in 8 this rate,how long will it take for her to run 5 miles?

To find out how many miles Christine would run in 85 minutes, we need to determine her running rate in miles per minute.

We know that Christine runs 3 miles in 25 minutes. So, we can calculate her running rate by dividing the number of miles by the number of minutes:

Running rate = 3 miles / 25 minutes.

Now, to find out how many miles she would run in 85 minutes, we multiply her running rate by the number of minutes:

Miles run in 85 minutes = Running rate × 85 minutes.

Let's solve this equation:

Miles run in 85 minutes = (3 miles / 25 minutes) × 85 minutes.

Simplifying the equation:

Miles run in 85 minutes = (3 miles / 25 minutes) × (85 minutes / 1).

Now, we can cancel out the minutes:

Miles run in 85 minutes = (3 miles / 25) × (85).

Finally, we perform the multiplication to get the answer:

Miles run in 85 minutes ≈ 3.24 miles.

Therefore, Christine would run approximately 3.24 miles in 85 minutes at the same rate.